Penguin Internet Ltd

  Penguin Internet is an IT services company based in the capital city of Cardiff, Wales, UK. We provide a wide range of IT services such as web hosting, reseller accounts, domain name registration, dedicated servers & server management to new computers systems, hardware repairs, network installations, maintenance contracts, VoIP and much more. Please see the rest of our website for further details.

Contact Information:
Penguin Internet Ltd
Address: First Floor, 292 North Road, Cardiff, South Glamorgan CF14 3BN UK
Phone: 029 200 900 17
Fax: 029 200 900 18

Last Update: 22 May 2015


Web hosting services provided by Penguin Internet Ltd

Shared Hosting

Price £0.7
Programming: Perl, PHP, Python, Tcl
Database: My SQL
Account Accessibility: Control Panel, Web-based Email, SSH
Features: Third Level Domain, Multiple Domains in One Account, Pre-installed CGI Scripts, Web Usage Statistics Report, MS FrontPage Support, Secure Server, Shopping Cart & Software, Adult Sites Allowed

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