Bargain Host

  We provide low cost web hosting to the UK, our prices start at £1.49 per month for web hosting with PHP4 & 5 support, MySQL 5, Cgi-Bin, SiteBuilder, 1-click auto install scripts and this price includes Free domain name and setup.

Contact Information:
Bargain Host
Address: Suite 3, 219 Bow Road, Communications House, London, Surrey E3 2SJ UK

Last Update: 22 May 2015


Web hosting services provided by Bargain Host

Shared Hosting

Price Range: £2.4-8
Programming: Perl, PHP 4&5 support, Python
Database: My SQL 5
Account Accessibility: Control Panel, Web-based Email, Website Builder, 1 Click Installs
Features: Third Level Domain, Pre-installed CGI Scripts, Web Usage Statistics Report, MS FrontPage Support

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