Atlantic Servers

  UK Hosting provider. Virtual Private Servers cPanel Hosting Dedicated Servers

Contact Information:
Atlantic Servers Ltd
Address: 10 Queen's Cottages, Reading, Berkshire RG1 4BE UK
Phone: +447435801986

Last Update: 17 June 2016


Web hosting services provided by Atlantic Servers

Shared Hosting

Price Range: £2.08-4.87
Free domain
Unlimited Bandwidth
Unlimited MySQL databases
Lattest cPanel
Spam filter
1-click applications

VPS Hosting

Price Range: £4.87 - £20.89
Linux VPS (OpenVZ)
Linux VPS (KVM)

Dedicated Hosting

Price Range: £27.17 - £
UK datacentre
Xeon CPU, SAS, SATA, SSD drive

Image of Atlantic Servers

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