Planet Hippo Internet

  If you are looking for a web host for your latest great online venture, a streaming video site or a reliable e-commerce site, then we have the tools and the know how for the job. Our mission statement is not just to manage web servers but entire web hosting solutions. Everyone wants to have great value for their website whether its just for personal use or if you need more advanced features. Either way, big or small, we have the right solution. Our hosting packages give you speed and reliability, lots of UK hosted web space, free domain name transfers, large mailboxes giving up to 10 GB. If you are looking for a multi purpose solution we are proud to introduce our newest unlimited hosting package.

Contact Information:
Planet Hippo Internet
Address: Unit 1 Glovers Meadow, Shropshire SY10 8NH UK
Phone: 08452260555

Last Update: 22 May 2015


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Web hosting services provided by Planet Hippo Internet

Shared Hosting

Price Range: £1-6.99

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Nat (8 January 2019)
Review Shared Hosting

Fake reviews
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Ben Brand (3 November 2015)
Review Shared Hosting

Excellent service and support
Im so please with the quality of service that I receive from Planet Hippo. I would have no problem recommending this company to my friends or to my business associates.